

As leaders in rural disability research, we collaborate with disability community members across the country to shape our research agenda and ensure that our evidence-based solutions fit their rural contexts. Together, we work to improve the ability of people with disabilities to engage and thrive in rural life.

RTC:Rural. Research and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities

Woman in a wheelchair in crowd of an outdoor concert
Man purchasing product from cashier at small business
Three young people wearing sports uniforms hug each other while one smiles at the camera
Woman waving on a porch swing
Screenshot of disability map of the United States
Woman in wheelchair participating in outdoor march

RTC:Rural Spotlight


Olmstead Plan for Montana!

The state of Montana asked the Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities to help coordinate the creation of an Olmstead Plan. An Olmstead Plan is a state's plan to ensure people with disabilities can receive State services in their communities. It is about helping people with disabilities live there they want.

This process will be from Spring 2024 to Winter 2025. This summer we will be traveling all over Montana to talk with people and learn what people think about the plan. Check back here for more information on Olmstead and details on this summer's engagement sessions, coming soon!


Disability Counts provides multiple tools for accessing national data about people with disabilities in America. The dashboards include interactive maps of county-level data, state-level data, and data on individuals who are institutionalized in correctional facilities and nursing homes. You can also search by geographic areas and disability variables to generate your own unique dataset. This easy to use tool includes a tutorial to assist users in navigating the site.

Color coded map of disability rates based on the 2021 American Community Survey.